Welcome to Spitfires Touch Rugby Club


About Us


Welcome to Spitfires Touch Rugby Club. We are a mixed touch rugby club based in Birmingham.  Formed in 2021 we have grown into a large social, inclusive and competitive developing team for all ages and abilities from ex-contact players to people who have never even picked up a rugby ball – all are welcome!


What’s Touch Rugby


Touch Rugby is a simple, but fast paced game for all ages and abilities with no contact.  Instead of making tackles, we make touches on any part of the body, clothing or ball. Each team has 6 players on the field at a time and they have six attempts to try and score a try (unless a turnover is awarded, then the ball goes to the other team).  Passes are only allowed backwards to move forwards and its fantastic for cardio fitness, confidence and loads of fun.


For more info see:


England Touch Rugby https://www.englandtouch.org.uk/

Spitfires Facebook Page for News, Training and Events https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=erdington%20spitfires%20touch%20rugby%20-%20erdington%20rfc


Come and join us at our weekly training 6:30pm-8pm, Erdington Rugby Football Club, Spring Lane Playing Fields, Kingsbury Road, Erdington, B24 9NF

Contact Us

Fancy giving it a go or want to know more? Send us a message and we will contact you and tell you all you need to know.

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August Update header photo

August has literally flown by at the speed of light.  We have continued to train throughout the summer working on our drills, some lucky players have been taking a well earnt break and spreading the Spitfire team name round the world.

Unfortunately we haven’t had any matches in August but we put on an impressive touch game at our Club Day showcasing our skills.


On the social side we’ve enjoyed a curry night.  Lots of food and good company were enjoyed and it was nice to spend time together as a team off the pitch.


Next month we are looking forward to Earlsdon’s Late Summer Social Touch Tournament on 14 September 2024.  Go Spitfires!

Our Winner Winner Chicken Dinner – players of the week have been: Graza, Manny and Arran. Congratulations and well done on all your hard work put in training.